I want to get a digital signature

In order to obtain a digital signature through the G.E.MI., you must be the legal representative of a company subject to the General Commercial Register of the following legal forms:

  • A.E.
  • E.P.E.
  • I.K.E.

In order to obtain it, you need, after logging in to the services service, to select from the menu the box “Digital signature provision” and select the natural person / legal representative you wish to have.

If you have already made a request for the natural person of your choice, the existing request will be clearly indicated.

Finally, in case the natural person of your choice does not appear in the corresponding list, you can create a request to add a legal representative, which will be checked by the competent G.E.MI. department.

Go to the G.E.MI. company login page by clicking on the button below to make a request for a digital signature.

95 FF3, App Street Avenue
NSW 96209, Canada

Opening Hours:

Mon – Fri: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm

Service Request

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