Certificates / Copies

Provided Services   Certificates / Copies

With this new Service, both the application for the issuance of certificates, attestations, extracts and copies of documents and data registered in the G.E.MI. and the issuance of such documents and data is done exclusively electronically. This Service was implemented in application of the provisions of Article 8 of Law No. 3419/2005 as in force and the Joint Ministerial Decision K2-4946/2014.

Based on these provisions, any person interested in obtaining a certificate or a copy of an act or element registered in the G.E.MI. will carry out the entire process of submitting the relevant request, including the payment of the relevant fees, through an appropriate environment and with special user codes and access to the G.E.MI. system, which will be issued and granted by the Central G.E.M.I. Service. We note that this service will be available to anyone interested in a certificate, regardless of whether or not they are registered with the G.E.MI.

The process of issuing certificates, attestations, copies and extracts will be completed by the relevant G.E.MI. Service and the requested certificate or copy will be issued electronically with digital signature.

For all legal persons subject to registration with the GEMI, the following certificates will be available electronically:

Certificates for a legal person

  • General Certificate for legal entities
  • General Certificate of Legal Status (General Certificate for Legal Entity)
  • General Certificate of Representation General Certificate of Representation
  • Certificate of Valid Representation
  • Other (free format)


The following certificates will be available electronically for individuals who are required to register with the G.E.MI.:

  • Certificates for natural person
  • General Certificate for natural persons who are registered in the Registry of the European Communities.
  • Other (free format)

95 FF3, App Street Avenue
NSW 96209, Canada

Opening Hours:

Mon – Fri: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm

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